Tropical IPA is a unique Saccharomyces strain formerly classified as a Brettanomyces strain, that produces delicate, tart, tropical mango and pineapple fruit characteristics with a clean finish. Try it at its higher temperatures to bring out the tropical profile. It’s stubbornly non-flocculent, but worth it.
This strain tests positive for the STA1 gene, an indicator of Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. diastaticus, and is capable of fermenting dextrins, resulting in very high attenuation.
Direct Substitutions:
Imperial Yeast - A20 Citrus
Strain Type: Ales
Flocculation: Low
Attenuation: 82-90%
Temperature Range: 70–85° F (21–29° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: 10%
We ship all liquid yeast in a thermal envelope with an ice pack. However, it is difficult to guarantee that the ice packs will stay frozen given transit times and hot temperatures.